Terms and Conditions.
Inside Story Photography - My Standard Terms and Conditions.
In cases where the Photographer's client is not a direct client (e.g. an agency), all references in this agreement to “Client” shall be interpreted as references to the agency.
The entire copyright in the Photographs is retained by the Photographer at all times throughout the world.
Although copyright is retained by the photographer, I (the photographer) will grant you licence to use the images as agreed and in any way as required. However, this license is granted to the Client only: its benefit shall not be assigned to any third party without the Photographer's permission/ prior agreement. The images must not be used for re-sale or any monetary gain (ie selling the images on for use in a book, calendar, publication etc). The Licence to Use comes into effect from the date of payment of the relevant invoice(s). No use may be made of the photographs before payment in full of the relevant invoice(s) without the Photographer's express permission. No images that are not paid for can be used in any way.
All images are copyrighted to Inside Story Photography. Any usage of the images beyond these purposes by the Agent, Agent’s Parent Company, Homeowner or any third party is strictly prohibited unless approved in writing by the Photographer.
The Photographer will store and retain the images for a minimum of 24 months from the day of the original shoot.
Client shall make payment when the images are ordered and an order form will be provided showing prices. If no order is made within 60 days, the client will be liable for the original agreed amount, made clear at the time of the original booking.
The Client shall be responsible for obtaining any required clearances and will indemnify the Photographer against all expenses, damages, claims and legal costs arising out of any failure to obtain such clearances. Unless delivered to Client by the Photographer, no model or property release exists, and it is Client's responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions for usages that require any model or property releases not delivered by the Photographer. For example, if you have requested me to photograph your members of staff, I would expect you to have ensured that you have obtained their permission for this.
Cancellations: if notice of cancellation is given less than two (2) business days before the shoot date, the Client will be charged 100 percent of the original agreed fee. Postponements: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Client will be charged a 100 percent of the original agreed fee if postponement of the commission occurs after photographer has departed for location (excluding bad weather: see [9]). If upon arrival at the property, the photographer cannot gain access as agreed (no-one present, keys not present etc), the client will be charged 100 percent of the original agreed fee.
Bad weather re-shoot terms may be organised with the photographer in advance.
The Photographer will carry out basic image enhancement (colour correction, spotting, simple blemishes removed) on the client's chosen final images. Any additional retouching requested by the Client will be billed at rate quoted.
All published usages (in print or on the worldwide web) of images must be accompanied by a written credit to Photographer in reasonable proximity.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England, Wales and Scotland.